Origins of the Gymnasium

Origins of the Gymnasium

“The Gymnasium was erected by private subscription in 1891 (at a cost of £2500) by a few of the leading citizens of Dundee, who conceived that a need existed for providing an institution where physical training on the most approved principles could be efficiently given. It has long been felt that sufficient attention has not been devoted to this branch of education, and the Committee of Management hope, now that a thoroughly equipped Gymnasium is available – a building singularly complete in all respects, and furnished with the best apparatus that can be obtained –that the youth of the city, and even those of more mature years, will take the opportunity of enjoying healthy exercises which have now been brought within the reach of all. It is not intended that profit should be derived, but the Committee are anxious that the revenue should be equal to the expenses. Accordingly, very moderate fees have been charged, and it is hoped that such numbers will enrol themselves for the several classes as will enable the Committee from time to time to reduce the rates of admission.

Affections of the spinal column, slow circulation, corpulence, contractions of the chest, sinews, and limbs, &c., have in many instances been relieved by an intelligent application of gymnastic exercises. If desired, the Instructors will treat such cases at the Gymnasium under the supervision of the Medical Referee, acting in concert with the patient’s own medical attendant


Gentlemen. Tuesdays and Fridays, 5.45 to 6.30

Fee: Season, £1.11s. 6d; Half-Season, 17s.6d

Ladies. Comprising Musical Drill, Marching and Gymnastics, &c.,

Wednesdays, 4.30 to 5.30; and on Saturdays, 3 to 4

Fee: Season, £1. 1s.; Half-Season, 12s. 6d.

Boys. Mondays and Thursdays, 5.30 to 6.30

Fee: Season, £1. 1s.; Half-Season, 12s. 6d.

Girls. Tuesdays and Fridays, 4.30 to 5.30

Fee: Season, £1. 1s.; Half-Season, 12s. 6d.


Gentlemen and Boys. Mondays and Wednesdays, 7 to 10

Fee: Gentlemen, Season, 10s. 6d.; Half-Season, 6s.

Fee: Boys, Season, 5s.; Half-Season, 3s.

Ladies. Fridays. Beginners, 7 to 8.30.; Advanced, 8.30 to 10.

(This Class has been established to meet the requirements of

ladies engaged in sedentary occupations during the day.)

Fee: Season, 10s. 6d.; Half-Season, 6s.


Clubs, who may desire the exclusive use of the Gymnasium; gentlemen who may wish to associate themselves together for private practice; and teachers, who may be anxious to have instruction that they may be able to teach, must communicate with the Secretary not later than 1st August, indicating their requirements. The Committee of Management will then proceed to consider applications, allocate hours, and fix fees.